Sunday, September 30, 2007

How Bicycling Change My Life - Looking toward Future (Part II)

The Phily race was the last race I've done in 2007 - actually I've done only 2 races this year. I have to admit doing collegiate races just don't fit my schedule at all. I don't have the luxury of time to do consecutive race weekends in places which take 7-8 hours of driving. The only way to get around this is to do USCF races, but then there are only a couple of them around Pittsburgh, and I won't be able to get club support, such as transportation. This means I'll have to buy a car.

Several factors come in the decision of how to prioritize my goals as well. I still need to perform my primary duty well enough, so that I can find a job which can support my racing, preferably in US. Now why do I want to stay in US? I believe to fully develop my racing potential, I need to be in a place where racing system is more structured. And I am less likely to find a job in sports medicine back in Taiwan, too.

As people I've known at my age are getting married or at least have girl friends, I also wondered if I am an oddball for not doing the same. It's not that I don't enjoy the company of an attractive girl, it's just that I don't think things will go well from the types of girls around me - so why bother wasting the time? I've learned this from my pursuit of a law school girl. At first I really thought I might be able to work something out between time spending with the girl and riding, but then in the end it's just too much for me. And I also consider myself as I guy who have problem managing my time well, so before I can take care of myself better, I don't think I am good for anyone.

Considering these, my first objective for 2007-2008 is to attain my master degree in Sports Medicine. I should, and only if I get my thesis completed, be able to continue for PhD in Pittsburgh. I will then get a car, which will give me more options in terms of racing.

Nevertheless, as I see to the future, I can picture myself continue training and racing my bikes. I wish I could ride up the Alps in my 90s, or at least be like the guy below.


mobo said...

Thanks for sharing the experiences of ur life, and encouraging an anonymous person like me.

Anonymous said...

dear bro,
i think it's just the right girl hasn't show up yet. you'll see...

licker said...

Yeah, I'm still a single oddball, why not~~